“Good leaders don’t create followers, they create more leaders.”
Soul City Music Co-op is a new model of music label, arbited by Mike Hargreaves & Crissi Cochrane, and based in Windsor, Ontario, Canada.
The co-op exists as a way to aggregate quality singer-songwriters and story-tellers in the Windsor-Essex region, empower them to create successful self-managed careers, and create positive change in our community.
Culture is a set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices, and our co-op’s culture is characterized by:
a philosophy of love, and valuing people over profits
a desire to create a space and time for our shared values to harmonize
fostering music industry growth in Windsor/Essex
fostering an ethical and democratic workplace
promoting this new music label archetype to other musician/writer groups, both in Windsor and around the world
In the 21st century, artists have access to incredible tools and information. With the right support, artists can create nearly any project or product imaginable. The co-op exists to help artists create world-class content (ideally within Windsor), acquire tools and abilities to fulfill the many different obligations inherent in being an independent artist, and define their version of success and begin achieving it. The co-op community is a family, lifting one another as we grow, celebrating each other’s successes, supporting each other through hardships, and inspiring one another to reach new heights.
We strive to elevate the reputation of our region’s arts community across Canada and the world by delivering a high calibre of professionalism in our work and progressive workplace politics. We hope to create an environment where Windsor artists want to remain in Windsor, and new artists want to visit Windsor, or even stay. Co-op artists strive to be as helpful as possible to their community at large, championing Windsor culture, and connecting people with opportunities, both inside and outside of the co-op. We want to create success that we can use to improve the city we live and work in - for ourselves, and the next generation.
You identify as a songwriter, and your releases qualify a minimum of 2 letters of MAPL. (M = Music, A = Artist, P = Production, L = Lyrics.) [CANCON] More info here: https://crtc.gc.ca/eng/info_sht/r1.htm
You reside in the region of Windsor-Essex for a minimum of at least 4 months in any given 12 month period.
You are engaged in the ongoing activities of being a recording artist, producing recordings and performing publicly.
You conduct yourself in an ethically-conscious manner, both in public and in private. You do not spread messages, promote works, or undertake actions that are sexist, racist, ageist, violent, hateful, or generally considered to be harassment or discriminatory in any way.